2 posts every week showing you all the latest fads!

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Spring cleaning the fadulous way!

As our 'Pin-tresting your home' post was so popular we thought we would follow it up with the latest spring fads for your home. This spring there is one word that sums up everything fad, that word is Yellow. 

As spring cleaning season is in full swing, so is the need to blow out those cobwebs with a new fresh feel for your home. The latest fad helping you to do this is every tone of Yellow. Tones of yellow can be seen from sofas to candles, this colour is appearing in every home range.

Yellow,Yellow ......Yellow!

To get your spring re-style of with a real yellow bang, and if your are feeling particularly flash with your cash, DFS have some beautiful sofa ranges such as the Milly sofa range and the Corinne sofa range. These ranges are bound to add a organic yet feminine touch to your living room. However, as the lowest prices starts at £399, maybe just a few yellow touches will have to do. 

Keeping with the sofa theme, without spending hundreds, cushions are of course the best way to restyle and refresh your sofa. George, at ASDA, have some super cute yellow cushions. From monochrome butterfly designs to green and yellow tartan, only starting at £8.00, they are a must H&M are doing some cushion covers with stripy and zizag yellow designs starting at only £3.99, all you have to do is provide the cushions, up-cycling win! For those added finishing touches Yankee Candle have provided us with some elegant yellow Grand Bazaar candle holders and George makes our mantel pieces look even more darling with their  range of  pictures frames, and vases all based on bees! Don't forget to add some spring time daffodils!
have! If you are looking for even more of a bargain,

In the Kitchen black, white and yellow has really taken of and Wilkinsons kitchen range really lead the way, from their Denby style back and white Carnaby plates to the yellow kettle helping you to make that cuppa feel even brighter. Wilkinsons have even gone one further and brought out some stylish back, yellow and white wallpaper to make your dinning room a spring haven!

Just in case you wanted to add a little more spring to your humble abode, the bedroom ranges have also followed in the footsteps of yellow! Next are advertising a Bright Geo bed set which balances a sense of manliness and femininity (for all those ladies to have to share boudoir with their other half). Geo symmetric rugs from IKEA add to that spring feel alongside inventive lighting ideas like the  Habits Tommy desk lamp. You can sleep well in the knowledge that your house has been totally revitalised!

Of course I not suggesting that your yellow-up every room in your house (unless you really like yellow), I myself have chosen to revitalize my living room with the ideas in this post! Key colours that I have found really complement this fad are grey, whites, blues, greens and woody tones. With that in mind I hope this has helped you to brighten up your home in time for the glorious spring!

Don't forget to leave us a comment on how it went!    


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