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Friday, 29 May 2015

Fornightly Favourites

I have been lacking A LOT on the blog front and it's really getting me down. Blogging is something that I really enjoy but I've been struggling to find the time for it. I find it super hard juggling a full time job, dog momma, running a house, keeping up a social life and blogging. Unfortunately, with Rufus being so young; something had to give and sadly, it was my blog.

To get myself back into it, I thought I'd try a fornightly favourites post. I'll post my favourite things in the past 2 weeks. I'm hoping it'll give me a little structure without a huge commitment. I mean, I surely can manage every 2 weeks right? Plus, it'll show you guys more about me and my world.

1. Flamingo Throw - Primark.

Me and G went shopping May bank holiday and I found this beauty in Primark's home section. There's nothing that chills me out more than snuggling up on the sofa with a blanket and pooch watching Gossip Girl whilst drinking copious amounts of wine. It's super soft, has flamingos on it and was only three quid so it's a total winner. Primark are doing loads of flamingo themed items too so if you want to fancy up your life with a tropical bird, you know where to go.

2. Gossip Girl

I'm really really really late on the whole Gossip Girl bandwagon. One of the my best friend at work introduced it to me and since then, I spend at least a night a week on the sofa with Rufus watching 5 episodes. Obviously, Rufus loves it too seeing as there is a character in it with his name. I've only just finished season 2 at the moment but to sum it up so far; I'm on Team Chuck, I want Serena's hair and I want to be Blair. This bring me onto my next favourite thing; this beauty. I've been looking for art work for mine and G's bedroom and I'm totally getting my hands on this. I think I need to adopt this motto more in my life and take the world on like Blair (without the nastiness obviously)

3. Puppy Classes

Rufus is 5 months old and we've signed him up for an 8 week puppy class course and so far we are both loving it. Rufus is a proper little showoff and loves performing which is fabulous. We've only completed 2 weeks so far but we have both picked up so much from it. Rufus can now sit, lay down, stay and we're getting their on our recall. Here's hoping we'll be another dancing pooch duo on Britains Got Talent in a few years.

4. Elderflower Tea

Me and G went to our local 'Make and Bake' market a few weeks ago. We constantly complain that there is nothing quirky to do where we live so when we saw this, we sort of felt obliged to go. Luckily, there was a tea and coffee stand where they do all the funky beans and teas. I picked up Elderflower tea as it sounds delicious and I've become obsessed with elderflower ever since I caught up with Coronation Street with Roy Cropper constantly going on about elderflower cordial. Luckily, it was beautiful and I've discovered a hidden West Midlands company. We also picked up some coffee for Mr G Senior for Father's Day so here is hoping that goes down a treat.

5. Red Nose Day USA Coldplay

Firstly, who knew Chris Martin from Coldplay had a sense of humour? Secondly, I don't know how I feel about Ramsay Bolton being that attractive when he's evil. Thirdly, I think I prefer this to the series. I hate to be the 'Book is so much better' person but it is. I'm watching this series as I feel like I should but I'm not feeling it.

On a lighter note, this Youtube video is one of the funniest things I have seen in ages. If you are a Game of Thrones fan, it's worth a watch as you will cry with laughter. My favourite song has to be the Red Wedding song (apart from they say it's Robb Starks wedding and it's actually Edmure Tully's). Liam Neeson narrates it also and Kit Harrington is as fit as ever. It makes me super happy.

I hope this post spreads a litte happiness into the world. It's been fabulous for me focusing on the positives in life.


1 comment

  1. Rufus is absolutely adorable! Just look at that face! :D xx


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